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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
yay!!!!!!! tomorrow go to camp liao.... =PpP tell me if it's good news...LOL lame. okay i haven't been to a proper camp and you should see the load i am bringing/ hahas.. a whole bag packed to the brim like a tin of sardines!? lol.. okay lar gotta get going byee! <3


Sunday, May 29, 2005
arg!! so bored until like that. lols..the whole world's getting boring by the minute...LOL crap anyway...i feel like crapping all day long.....~~~~~~~~~ ^.^ -_-'''' ciao.


Friday, May 27, 2005
sheesh..online until very late hor?haha...don't care lar. went to hazel house... :P bo liao what ^.^ oh...read her blog and puke..all that stuff very mean... whatever/ i was part of it anyway...hehx LOL. she type the whole thing kay. join the mean society today. herm. got camp camp. camp. camp. you get the pix..lol..kayz..don't want to get to boring...byee


Monday, May 23, 2005
okayy...where was i? oh....got to moi cuz house later and awaited doom..NOT.....it was so long before we had dinner...lol! i stayed there the whole afternoon and whatever..okay straight to the dinner..lol. eat and eat and eat. hehx..my sis even kept a 'menu' on what we ate. hahas...so lame hor me? :D after all that can finally go home liao...and i stinked like hell due to the only bath i took in the morning... =) LOL man....when i finally got to checkpoint.. it was already 12!! which is today of course. XP and when i finally could say "home sweet home" it was already 1 in the morning~!!! sheesh..how late is that? and finally to top it all i STILL had to take a bath...sheesh. okay when i HIT the bed finally it was 1.30 a.m. hah.. byeeeeeeeee!!!


er....how do i like put this? i'm half dead liaoz....haha..yesterday go to some sort of cuz wedding and that was like in m'sia...sheesh. JB to be exact. herm. took a train there and like go station that time veryy olddddeee sia. =P hahas..it was built in the 30's..yar tell me about it. whatever this probably bored you to death. LOL read on anyway.. =D okay well go on the train bout 12 or so...the first impression was it was so damn stuffy!! you could have suffocate in there so got off imediately.........hahas finally can get on board de shi hou ar..still very stuffy..whatever. and after that it took dunno how many mins before it took off...lolx you would imagine how sleepy you would be by now. so i am gonna cut this short..NOT...=PpP okay fine. finally reach kulai the place where i was suppost to go....in the first placel lol! yar yar..i getting bored already..okay it's cut short here byeeee <3


Thursday, May 19, 2005
LOL!!!!!! so funny leh..if u read jerk koh's journal you'll be ROFL. i mean it..he a bit mental though..he wrote something like i'm VERY! VERY! VERY! ANGRY i received because of a damn cursed SMS saying that if i ignore it i will and don't send to 10 of my friends then i didn't send to 10 of my friends and I ALMOST FAILED MY EXAMS. thats what the *** said funny right?????? LOL


Tuesday, May 17, 2005
waaa..can't believe i'm so fast...sheesh. got 3rd place for 1.6 km run!!!! run with boys some more..lol it's a great acheivement ^.^ haha whatever last year got 4th..herm. jam and lezah both got 12th place!! typical <3 jam alomost get 13 my un-lucky number ah hem. righttt oh and BIG news: jerk co cry!!!!!!! haha it's either the place he got or the stomach...cry like hell lor..sheesh u should have seen it not..you wouldn't want to see him doing that no. no. byeeeeeeee =PpP


Monday, May 16, 2005
sheesh..my arm almost broke >.< the incline pull ups so hard 2 do lor! no armstrength hehx haix...but managed to get 4 points lol. jackass got really pissed haha maybe should go for gender change...ah hem. arg!! i mean ouch.whatever LOL..got 1.6 km tommorrow i hope not gals turn....* crosses fingers * *sighs some more * byeeeee i bo liao..hehx <3


Sunday, May 15, 2005
freak.freak.freak.freak. life sux? nah...not if u count whatever. it sucks like this much < > say that is not really much lol! that lezah eel blog very the 'popular' especially the damned by lezah sheesh. no mood 2 blog liaox byeeeeeeee ^^


Friday, May 13, 2005
* screams out loud * haha...exams are offically over!!!!! lol...ss get full marks ^.^ now lezah eel calling still calls me baby genius.sheesh wish she'll give me a break! lol...got mother genius and mama one also....LOL! haix...she become witch (marbles become stickers) see how "careful" she is..haha okay bao cuo liao...maybe should add more...NOT! okay lar i am not that mean one de...HMT today...wa kao de that john say ez...okay so it was okay <3 hehx. unless u count the normal one sheesh. whats done is done anyway..^^ whatever. byeeeeeeeeee :)


Thursday, May 12, 2005
yay!!!!!!!!exams are over haha..never fail my maths!!! go guess the marks..lol chinese okay! =_= got back booklet B only. stoopid sis is torturing me....verbally!!!!!! **** her ^.^ she xxxx haha..................tomorrow still got HMT. sheesh!!!!!!!!!! byeeeeeeeee <3


Wednesday, May 11, 2005

why is everybody calling me baby genius?!? they think mi smart...arg!! my foot. haven't been posting i also don't bother...english was like 2 days ago....okay lar if u ask me <3 maths also easier than CA1!!!! sheesh..call it a dire situation better not use 2 cheem words if not a certain person calles lezah eel iep ihs (go figure ^^) will call me thew above mention. h.a.h is this like the longest post i have ever written? haix..i don't keep track..lol kay byee!! ;P * crosses fingers that the post doesn't have errors *


Friday, May 06, 2005
social studies today..hope get full marks!!! haix...this may be the last day i can post in the exams.hahahahahahhaha...so lame...doom? the maths paper 2 hours and 15 min..sheesh no mood 2 post any longer..SA1 bules pulling me down haha..


Monday, May 02, 2005
wow! hah. call it 'holiday' well actually it's not..tmr got EL listening comphre....lol dig ur ears out while you can....>.< let's welcome may..sheesh. SA1 sux..when you are in the one school that su** hehx u get me....arg!!! like so fast leh...just had CA! 2 months ago....lol time flies alright...haiz....haiz.... * sighs deeply * the major ones next week wish me luck! * prays hard * i cna't afford 2 F my maths again...sheesh. ciao anyway




for words only say so much.
i took the road less travelled.
FULL OF energy :D
urging TO FIND myself now.
就像你我之间那么精彩的遗憾,也许 全都是误会
crack the bottom:

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    1 part brilliance ;;
    5 parts joy;;


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