Friday, June 29, 2007
lol. i'm so gonna regret this. feel like swearing A LOT.
imagine getting into warm soup, for not arranging something. i dont even know what the hell is going on man. someone TELL ME? if you're even listening!
great. i got it off. i shant continue cos i know i would go overboard and start naming names pointing and stuff. in the first place i didnt ask for it lah. -shakes head-
dunno why i'm posting this. =.=" i angry and composed at the same time
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
HELLO. updating kay?
try the IDIOT test(:
go google and find it. make sure it's by a guy called ryan something. there's 3 versions of the test. of course each one harder than the next. IT'S SUPER FARNEE CAN. and you have to have a super duper good memory for test 3 and of course fast reflexes. and yes. i'm either too lazy or too open-minded that my brain fell out. yupp. take that literally. Anyway, sook yi got me looking for definations of the word idiot and moron. and yes. there's a difference.
a person who is notably stupid or lacking in good judgment.
Psychology. a person of borderline intelligence in a former classification of mental retardation, having an intelligence quotient of 50 to 69.
an utterly foolish or senseless person.
Psychology. a person of the lowest order in a former classification of mental retardation, having a mental age of less than three years old and an intelligence quotient under 25. it goes to show that if you call a person an idiot. it'll be a level higher than a moron. more like a complete moron. OKAY.
that was for viewing pleasure. and yupp. next time you'd know which is more insulting and stuff. choose your words wisely! wise-crackers.
drafting posts = wiping your test paper with your butt. erm. useless and going to waste.ARGH.i cant visualise the connection. GAH. GAH. GAH.
somehow. he seems like the ideal guy for girls to date.
if you get what i mean (x.
Friday, June 22, 2007
nick. hahaha
but i was agaped throughout cos.
they made every cartoon into a duplicate.
but lamer. =.= blue's clue becomes something along the lines of "clint's hints" ya. scooby doo became some snooper what!?! heck.
ISKETCH'S song is lame!!!!!!!!!
i think i got hooked to that game.
i'm dead
Monday, June 18, 2007
changed it. finally. i dont care if its too simple!!!!!!!!!! haha. not very statisfactory though. can be better... bahh
ok. i can CRY doing chinese. pressure pressure. arghh.
and to think i lost it in the morning. had used certain SNORT words just to soothe the anger. lalala. doesnt help luh. =.="""
and call me KSKSKS. i packed my schoolbag. OMG.
well. to hell with homework.
1 day and 6 more to go. HOW UBER DUBER FAST IS THAT. ARSS. to think it's one month. sheesh.
oh ya. the previous posts give me a typical teen lingo kinda feel.
what with "is love" and stuff. no offence.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
man. i SO DUPER BADLY want to change this skin. LOL. blogskin that is.
there's nothing nice to blog nowadays. cos it seems like you do what you have to do during the holidays either that or it's the same thing over and over again. seriously. how many have topics to talk about. =.=" IN YOUR FACE :D
oh yah. it's darryl's birthday. hope he has a happy one. dont EMO kay?
tangyuzhe. muhahahha.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
i'm seriously dumbfounded.
omgomg!!!ylbfbislove! :D
Friday, June 08, 2007
i shall be a cynic for now. I THINK I'M 50% PMS-ing ready.. mild one =.=
firstly, GB is getting on my nerves, not that i didnt realise till today.
you have accuracy, money rolling in, you stink like a *****ing noob oh good luck to you.
secondly, friendster stinks. yes i said it. COS I HATE GETTING NOTIFICATION E-MAILS THAT FLOOD MY INBOX. WASTE OF GLUCOSE AND FINGER FLEXING. i wished they had this auto vanishing e-mail option. YOU HEARD ME THAT ONE OF A KIND MAIL SERVER?!?
and finally, dont sa jiao with me can not. it aint the end of the world. DEAL WITH IT.
thats a hell load of stress of my chest. thank you very much.
have a nice day people.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
firstly, ZM. my posts aint chim. seriously. you've programmed your brain to not process my brillant language properly. aye?
secondly, i'm not close to finishing my homework just yet. due to the lack of brain power and juices and an alien abducting my erm... abdoment. maybe i'm just plain dumb. ^^
THAT WAS RANDOM, thank you very much. HAH.
third,ah yes.i'm bored stiff at home without school. irony!
THANK YOU VANNESSAs and CELESTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love l0ve love the moves many many//
Monday, June 04, 2007
oh mann. super bloated. lol
yay. havent posted for so long. packed busy as of late.
dunno why i have the mood to type. sheesh.
tell you the truth, my fingers might just drop off cos i had a typing lesson in school earlier. and yes. the programme spams your fingers till you could crack em' and it falls off. to top things off with the freaggin chilly air-con. i wouldnt be surprised if i got the 'typer's hypertension' xD.
they even have the word 'jaffa' not to mention 'filelike' like O_O. so cute. ugly and adorable. hah.
ciao now. i still havent recovered. my veins might pop any moment now.