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Wednesday, October 29, 2008
woo. the wind is pro. too pro. :D cos i'm facing a beach. so the breeze rocks.

yes. thats probably a description of my surroundings... guess where i am!
nono. this isnt a guessing game. nvm. lawls. hello world only!! :D


Wednesday, October 22, 2008
sorry i missed you out!! D:

i shall say this one last time

i will miss twonine!!!!!!!!!!!

i dunno what's going on these days. lawls.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008
logging in again to crap. haha using laptop =.=" dont like the new feel. so flat. but i think its cleaner than my house keyboard. -.-" told you i was here to crap!

lalalala. can i just continue typing? its nice to type with! :P

hmm.. let me do something. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.! okay. seriously. this isnt going any direction. feel like reposting the dedications. although its kinda not the kind that you would remember = i did a poor job. hah. good for you if you did read it the first time.. if not. poot. go see my blog history, october 2008. if i dont have my archieves up. too bad for you. ee. i sound so sadistic.. not the kill kill kind but the in your face kind. i dunno what i'm talking about.

haha. still manage to post like this kind of length. goes to show i have flare for crapping and just rambling extreme random stuff.

.help needed
.MAJOR DELIEMAAAAAA! (if i even spelt that right)


have i said about life being regimented before? oh wells. it just keeps getting better.

i think i'm rather wacked about the whole thing. haha.
even regretting something that shouldnt be regretted. that is so lame! omtian.
anyway. lawls

just some wishes...

dunno what to say la. -.-"
i want that roller coaster skin back. HAHA. it was red structures and had "i hate comic sans MS" font. lawls. that was around p6 or sec 1. hey this blog is about 4 years old! xD
should start anni at the fifth year. or maybe. clear my archieves.. see first! i think i'm too lazy to do it lor

maybe. i wished. the outcome was different. that nothing had to change at all.
but that's silly.


i dont know what i'm talking about!


Monday, October 20, 2008
i need some picture to cheer myself up. wait.



uhh.. i feel like OMYTIAN. i'm in one of those. cannot describe moods. and its not a good one.
like bang, straight at 5 i start freaking myself out with some stupid thing. I SERIOUSLY THINK TOO MUCH. it's like the worse ever time i've freaked myself out. nah. it aint some emo thing or what i hate the world and the world hates me back kind of thing. its one of those irrational things that i refuse to disclose cos i should get over it fast and i shouldnt be telling it anyway. DUMBNESS. stop thinking so much. it aint the end of my life

no use telling myself that. i'm hopelessly drowned in.

LAWLS. LAMENESS and SUCKFEST. yeah yeah yeah.

worse mood ever i tell you. it isnt suppose to turn out this way.
i'm not happy with whatever happen in the past week, although whatever occurance that happen need no emotions, cos it was simply ordinary.
then again. i'm not happy.

i dont know why.
told you it was irrational. -.- LAMENESS.

ah. su**ballz


Sunday, October 19, 2008
1. Who was your last sms from?

2. What do you love most in your room?
My 床?

3. Do you prefer KFC or Macdonalds more?
i dont do fastfood. KFC laa

4. Your current relationship status?

5. Does your crush like you back?
I wish! -hinthint-

6. What is your current mood?
Feel like screaming sianded kind of a mood

7. Whats your mum's name?

8. What colour shirt are you wearing?

9. What was the last thing you drank?

10. If you could go back in time to change something, would you?
Nah, everything happened for a reason.

11. Have a crazy side?

12. Ever had a near death experience?
Car, was engrossed in something then nearly kena. -.- its always the typical channel 8 drama death thing. so no surprises here.

13. Something you do alot?

14. Angry at anyone?

15. Do you wanna see somebody right now?
A lot of people to be exact!

16. Name someone with the same birthday as you?
Some famous person. whom i have forgotten his name...

17. Last time you cried?
Touching Movie (hinthint)

18. Who are you talking to right now?
Myself? (no, i'm not in IMH)

19. Do you have dimples?
Nah. not counted -.-

20. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite gender?
The way he talks?

21. What do you usually order from starbucks?
Chocolate frappe? i dont do starbucks often.

22. What's your biggest secret?
Do i even have one? Maybe. but if i told you. it wouldnt be one -.- LAME

23. Favourite movie?
Freedom Writers! :D

24. Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows?
Tv when i'm of a sound mind. kiddy when i'm not. haha

25. What are you eating or drinking at the moment?

26. What do you think is irritating right now?
Tommorrow's selection. lols.

27. What's your favourite smell?
Anything that is soothing. Eucalyptes?(lawls. aromatherapy)

28. Describe your life in 2 words, what would it be?
Challenging (yet) Rewarding

29. Have you ever kissed in the rain?
In my dreams maybe!

30. Do you like rain?
Erm. Depends

31. What are you thinking of now?
When this questionair will end? oh right. last question T_T


Friday, October 17, 2008
ah. had to say my piece. haha

somethings just happen without me controlling it. like. who wanted me to get that kind of results! -.-" i dont like talking about this kind of stuff online. its such a cruel world out here. lalalaa.

oweing to the fact that i dont need to go to school, i'm stuck here in fron of the screen growing a big butt and inhaling much CO2 and absorbing too much radiation for comfort. -.-" hahaahaaaaaa. it aint funny. oh shucks time for my MTV xD


Thursday, October 16, 2008
so! we got class photo today. prolly the only one who didnt request for autographs and stuff. i have to get their emails... hmm.. better start soon :D

anyway. i think its time to do shoutouts.

if you read this. haha. good for you!

Laura: Thank you for being my colour buddy! when everyone loathed limegreen, at least someone else liked it with me. haha.. ok and yes. thanks for enduring my randomness! :D

Charmaine: Ai yo. ok la. i think having someone to hug you like at least once a week is rather nice. :D yeah.

Rachel Chea: Laughing at my lame remarks! and understanding my english. haha.

Hui Yi: hmm.. sec 4 zai lai zhao wo. :D no! wait! that you made it to 2/9 with me! haha. and yes. after abt 5 years still rmb me -.-

Diyana: For being the best desk buddy! your science rocks 0kay

Fatin: Love the accent. if you even have one; yes. and haha. laughing at my remarks too!

Charlene: ERR... for listening to my ramblings? xD

Jasmine: Woonie lover.. go away la! oh ya. thanks for being lame.

Sebrina: Chairperson saviour. you took it on. when i almost did. dont feel bad. you did a good job xD

Celeste: -.-" i dunno what to say about you. haha. cos. when i talk to you. its when you're talking to someone else. no la!! see my face everyday, good that you endured my nonsense

Vanessa Lee: Telling me information. Assignments, tests and stuff. haha. and crapping with you is fun.

Yu Shan: Sec 4 zai lai zhao wo! :D i have too many things to talk about you. but on the whole, that you didnt crumble so easily! and laughing when i was crying at the movie that wasnt touching.

Yu Ting: For giving me looks when i said something lame. :D i think i can never have a decent convo with you... everything came out like (-.-") thanks for tolerating!

Lindsay: Hello! Smiling back when i smile at you. probably the only person i smile to the most. xD

Marilyn: For having good laughs with me! and not minding that i suan you... oops.

Xin Ru: For asking me questions that i would never had come up myself. omytian// it stumps me sometimes

Afiqah: You're seriously nice. haha.

Rachel Lee: For taking water from me for the past 2 weeks or so. -.- EVERYDAYYYYYY! ok la. more than that. i think i sec 4 then say. :D

Li Xuan: eh. i dunno what to say about you sia... Dont be so sick? and haha. i know you dont like me, so i better keep this short and sweet xDD

Stefanie: Poking the daylights out of me. omytian.. its painful.

LeAnne: Thanks for being my classmate manxxxxxzz~ even though i rarely talk to you

Xia Yin: Smart person. For being the least irritated my nonsense

Veronica: (-.-") for shouting at me logical stuff. and yes. we have personaility clashes, but haha. somehow for 2 years we still could see eye to eye.

Vanessa Chua: Darling! For tolerating my laming and FRH craze.

Victoria: Erm... Good HomeEc buddy :D. the onions still made me cry though.

Kai Lun: Loony Tunes. Assemblies in the parade squares are not the same without Kai Lun infront of me xD. Laugh and make my day and stuff.

Zhang Min: haha. we shook hands on it ready. haha.

Justus: ER. Yani?

He Han: Nerdy boy who just wouldnt study. -.- please. you have the capacity to be the nerdiest.. :D. i still rmb the wallet and socks thing. hahahaaaaaa. oh ya. thanks for the super nova thing.

Clavis: Origami King. For flashing the stupid green penknife. -.-"

Darryl: (-.-") i think you are the next to most dramatic person last year. but this year -.-" for being gay(happy!) and erm. rubbing it in. when i felt like slapping someone. -hint-

Donovan: Porkey no. 1!

Isaac: The retarded compo you wrote last year. and the aliens and stuff. weird person. you're talented for all the wrong reasons.

Jordan: Gunbound, i will never play again. haha. Avid gamer -.-"

Nixon: You're just too quite to comment on. or i never really talked to you. thats good! but, yeah give chance for geog for me :D

Brandon: For telling me irralevant science stuff, that can never be applied into the syllabus. omytian la.

Michael: Though you're not in 2/9 anymore. at least you made science lessons less boring. haha...

Shane: Er, finally, we can talk normally without me raising my voice at you.. come to think of it, havent really talked to you much for two years. wow.

Spencer: Porkey no 2!

Thats all. i'll remember 2/9 for sure.

noise and all. being notoriously famous in school together.
being together in the moment! woo. yeah we have all the groupies and stuff. but when it came to crunch time. we really crunched like crazy. working our butts of for the EMP programme and all.

wishing you people all the best. no matter where you are. or who you are. or what you are. remember 2/9, cos it'll never be the same without the boistriousness.(is that how to spell it??)


Tuesday, October 14, 2008
oh. shuckzxxz. -.-" yes. you'd probably expect me to like tell you about my FITB and how FITB it is. haha. no! not here. not in this age. maybe when another being comes along whose name is not JAIMEYEOSHUXING. then probably.

=,="" i think i'm just about the FITB weakling.
even thought FITB isnt a FITB of FITB.

sorry kiddos. its undisclosed.. who reads such stuff anyway? like people actually listen to you virtually. its a horrid place i tell you.. :D i could be an unknown person altogether.

:D. fake smiles and more plastic bags.
intoxicated. befuddled. is just the word right about now

make that jumbled up and on the edge of tearing myself limb from limb.
ah freak of mother nature.


Thursday, October 09, 2008
haha. i wanted to relink marilyn and i wondered here instead. -.-""

today is good day! because its the last paper tmr. ok. no link.
and i finished dinner in 25 mins?, longest i've ever eaten a meal. not that i'm a gorger. oh shucks. my spelling. lalala.

could i just be a normal person in your eyes?
then again,  does it really matter?
when half  the time. you stare back at me.
and loathe the sight of me
wow. strong// harsh


Wednesday, October 08, 2008
ah mannn. lol.

i'm stuck.
shant say anything more.
or it'll sound stupid.

that probably makes the most sense right about now.


Sunday, October 05, 2008
308! i'm not one to put a post number here. but oh wells for the sake of wasting space and time and energy, forget it! i already did. -.-"""

haha. nothing much to post laaaa. i mean i'm the kind of person who has a semi-life.
mundane ramblings of my almost boring existence. i have atorocious spelling if you havent noticed for the whole course of me posting for the past 4 years! enjoy the archieves. :D did i get the spelling right?? darn.. haha. i thought i'd be profane here. i was more one paper....

nvm. it'll be between me and my brain... -.-"""

so LAME!

L.A.M.E? -.-


Friday, October 03, 2008
hahahaa. 6 more papers to boil down. -.-"

i hateeeeeeeeee what i did today. it totally sucked.
i'm going to be out of contention. but thats alright.
i wasnt made to be in the 'nerd' catogory. :D

lol. ramble. hope the skin's not an eyesore.
kaposi sarcoma people! i mean science. i didnt mean it in a literal sense -.-





for words only say so much.
i took the road less travelled.
FULL OF energy :D
urging TO FIND myself now.
就像你我之间那么精彩的遗憾,也许 全都是误会
crack the bottom:

  • The current mood of yshuxing at www.imood.com

    5 parts mercy ;;
    1 part brilliance ;;
    5 parts joy;;


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