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Tuesday, December 30, 2008
wow, my post just got rejected. OH WELLS.


Friday, December 26, 2008
staring at the rubik's cube in front of me! took us great pains to solve! ><

yup, christmas is over. now i have to look forward to school.
like omytian, i have been rotting since october, how to un-rot myself?
and i think my brain has shrunk by 12% because i have been doing rather brainless stuff that doesnt require much thinking.
not to mention going high. -shakes head-

hah. whatever i like...

i'm hyped up for the wrong reasons.
i dunno how to stop! :D


Tuesday, December 23, 2008
had a match today with FMSS. haha.
like they're fast and good! they're good. good. good...
like that's all i can say mannzxxzzx.

haha. saw PLMIT complete set at a vid shop that i shant disclose :D it's expensive kay!
dont even know if it's the correct version, the show's not even done yet! on tv anway.

-.-" so.
thats 2 days to christmas.

let's see...
11 and 13 more days.

11 daysssssss. my goshh..
remind me again,
how i got into this.
i'm wacked. seriously.. lalalala~


Monday, December 22, 2008
have been wondering for a while what i did last month and in the last week of october.
(most definitely not studying!)

hmm.. let's see,
about 2 weeks gone. plus another 2.
i think i spent one month rotting
and the rest training and homework.

sheesh. cant keep track.
who bothers anyway..
ignore that part.. :D

3 days come, 3 days go!~
and one month since.
22nd DEC 2008, i think i'll like this date for a while.

i dunno what i'm up to.
getting tied up in this stuff
i'm not getting anything out from it by just sitting here.
then again, i cant do much,

i dont have control over such things.
argh. i miss _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...
then again, for what!??!
eye candy. LOL.


Sunday, December 21, 2008
:D posting a quickie,

seems like i've disappeared for a number of days. haha. not to mention 19th DEC...
went really crazy and hyper and high-ed like mad.
till my voice went hoarse after the whole thing ended.
like omg. -.-.

let's cut short by giving you descriptions:
cool, popular, famous, favourite songs, fun, awesome atmosphere, chasing cars.

lol. guess where i was! :D


Thursday, December 18, 2008
hello world.

i have no better salutation than this. -.-"
currently reading a weird book called "hero-type", talks about this boy and his dark secret that makes you teeth grind cos he'll only reveal so much in the beginning and you get worked up at the author for the suspense and and you start to sweat because the book's too exciting and your eyes start to pop from reading too much and you feel like sleeping afterward because it's dragging on and on about his heroic behaviour... and whatever. i havent got to the end. oops! :D

haha. the last bit about the dragging ons crap, they tell about his rise and fall. like, not the kind of book you'll pick up when you want to do a book review.

lol? why am i rambling about such weird stuff?
mundane life going on.
cant be helped.

okay, i feel half awake.

24 hours. is all i need to wake myself up,
i hope... ...

dont disappoint! xD


Tuesday, December 16, 2008
lol, dont be alarmed by the homework scramble thing, i'll work around it! :D

ahh. nothing to post, just to liven this thing up.



Monday, December 15, 2008
i'm in one of my scream out loud moods. but obviously when you live 10 stories high and have 9 stories of living beings to care about below you (not to mention 3 more stories of beings above me), you cant do it. -.-"" i'm just sleepy, even though i woke up rather late. greatt.

that was so random!
oh great, homework's bugging me.
yes, go ahead, i should have completed it long time ago. like a whole month, given that i'm miss... what word should i use? particular? call it plain kiasu-ism. :D

lol, why am i engaging myself in this? i'm super talking to myself. -.-"
haha. depends on how you look at it.

i'm just not in any mood to start homeworking.
randomness alerts. -.-

4 and 10 more days.
wow, i will seriously miss it.


Sunday, December 14, 2008
hoho.. when was the last time i posted??
i have this widescreen moniter in front of me and it makes my eyes pop.
the colours are so bright, striking, outstanding, vibrant.
you get the picture.

lol. i dont know what's going to happen tmr, or what will happen to me the day after.
omtian. hope that everything's alright.

hmm... 5 and 11 more days.
and i miss it already.


Tuesday, December 09, 2008
hohoho. i'm like wasting my time on the comp!
watching a mystery show that makes you squirm because the main character's so smart. -.-
actually, i just think he thinks one step further.

what am i saying anyway, and what do you care? haha
tried to do chem holiday assignments. left out the lengthy answers questions. they are asking hard ones! i dont even know how to structure. sad. next year, i might end up hating chemistry.


for the first and last time: PI LI MIT! :D
or did i say it the last time. lol.


Sunday, December 07, 2008
1.The person who tag/pass you: Sim Li Xuan
2.Your relationship with her: Sworn Enemies!
3.Your 5 first impressions of her: English, Smart, LoudVoice, Nice, Friendly( no, i'm not bullshiiting. haha.)
4.The most memorable thing she has done for you: Nothing much really, since she's my sworn enemy!
5.The most memorable thing she has said to you: probably that i had a good attitude -.-"
6.If he/she becomes your lover, you will: We hate each other remember?
7.If he/she becomes your lover, the thing she will have to improve on is: Die a horrible death?
8.If he/she becomes your enemy, you will: She already is. -.-"
9.If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be: I don't know? why ar? lawls.
10.The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is: Change her life.
11.Your overall impression of him/her is: Chatty!
12.How you think people around you will feel about you: idk, probably something bad.
13.The characters you love of yourself are: -Nil-
14.On the contrary, the characters you hate of yourself are: Many things. that i have a big mouth and i think too much and i care too much?!
15.The most ideal person you want to be is: :D Christlike!
16.For people who care & like you, say something to them: ILY too! wait, its not the like like but like as in "you're a nice person" kind of mentality right?!

Pass(no i'm not passing it specifically to these 10, you wanna do it? feel free!) this quiz to 10 people to know how they feel about you:

1. Zhang Min
2. Hui Yi
3. Vanessa Chua
4. Steph
5. Yu Shan
6. -Blank- couldnt come up with any name, :O
7. Laura
8. Sebrina
9. Marilyn
10. Rachel Lee

1.Is number 6 having relationship? there's no number six! xD

2.Is number 9 a male or female? (Marilyn)

3.If number 7 & 10 are tgt, will it be a good thing? (Laura and RL)
haha. RL has many partners!

4.What is number 2 studying about? (HY!)
Human anotomy. haha

5.When was the last time you had a chat with number 3? (Vanessa)
Ages ago. :(

6.What kind of music does number 8 like? (Sebrina)
probably romantic stuff. most probably not frh though

7.Does number 1 have any siblings? (ZM)
1 younger sister and one older sister

8.Will you woo number 3? (Vanessa)

9.How about number 7? (Laura)
:O. do you realise what my list consists of? GIRL NAMES! GIRLS!

10.Is number 4 single? (Steph)
If she were attached, i'd better know.

11.What is the surname of number 5? (Yu Shan)

12.What's the hobby of number 10? (Rachel Lee)
Sports? and probably just playing with her dogs.

13.Does number 5 & 9 get along well? (Yu Shan and Marilyn)
good to go!

14.Where is number 2 studying at? (HY)

15.Talk something casually about number 1. (ZM)
Hello! Long Time no SEE!

16.Have you tried developing feelings for number 6? -nil-
if i fell for noone that will be spot on!~

17.Where does number 9 live at? (Marilyn)
Somewhere in singapore. how to tell! so private and confidential!

18.What colours does number 4 like? (Steph)

19.Are number 1 & 5 best friends? (Zm and Yu Shan)
how to answer ar?

20.Does number 1 have any pets? (Zm)
Cats, fishes and idk. i dunno how's her life now sadly speaking.

21.Is number 7 the sexiest person in the world? (Laura)
HOHO. what do you think?

22.What is number 6 doing now? -Nil-
(Yuck, sick question)strike that one out! i thought it said "WHO IS" omg. -.-" cocked eyed. well, what is noone doing now? hahahaha.

23.Do you like number 8? (Sebrina)
Sure i do! :D


Saturday, December 06, 2008
dug up some really good news.
but decided against it.

lol. i will forget this in about two weeks, cos i dont understand what i'm saying.



Friday, December 05, 2008
okay. posting again. this time it wont be lengthy. -.-"

my countdown!
1 week.



Thursday, December 04, 2008
lol. back to the simple life. i mean normal life. -.-"
haha. the few things that i'll miss will probably be the teevee programmes. the GTV and CTV and TTV and whatever dian tai you want to name i want to watch it. lol. now all i can count on is ECITY, that channel 56. -.- which i happen not to have. CTI 36, kang xi lai le....
omytian, i'm ranting about taiwanese entertainment. da xue sheng liao mei.. lawls. go youtube and surf for these programmes. i probably wont laugh twice as much here than there. -.- there's like 125 channels. including channel [V]. then again why am i talking so much about the teevee there!?! -.- weird person.

then there's the cold weather. lol. i didnt have to worry about sweating.... but nah. the weather here's nice. xD although its hotter, need to switch modes. from like hot baths to lukewarm baths or even cold water baths altogether.

i'm seriously wacked. haha
didnt shop much, realised i wasnt a shopping kind of person. -.-"and i was probably left with the most money. -.-

i dunno how to thank the people there, the people whom i have crossed paths with, they have taken really good care of us for our week there. and the next family that was willing to put me up. even thank you cant cover what they've done for us. seriously.

thats why the verse:
" each of you should not only look to the interests of yourself but also to the interests of others"

on a lighter note!
i visited the Gong Zhu Xiao Mei place. well the mansion part of it anyway. only the outer scenery was used. it was really BIG.

then i had many cups of nai cha. or milk tea. and the amount of pearls that they included made me grow sick of it. it filled like one third of the cup. over here its about one or two scoops. over there they scoop macham for free de. haha.

and i got really touched by the corps work there.


Wednesday, December 03, 2008
i hope this computer types in english. haha it does! xD

well, i'm about a day away from going home. a little sad and well, relieved at the same time. haha.
sad cos i love this place. -.-" i dont even perspire! okay, sweat if my spelling sucks. haha
relieved cos i dont have to keep blowing my hands to keep them warm.
and i can also say: I"M HOME FOR CHRISTMAS! :D
-.-" its like 22 days away, which is a lot. but it always turns out to be way to fast before you even know it. lawls.
and there's that thing which i have to attend...
and there's training! and friendly match!
and stories to tell. hahah.
too many things to talk about ready,
these 11 or 12 or 10 plus days here
has made me seen many things.
and learnt new things
and at the same time forget the old..

the last 3 lines is random. -.-"
haha. the shopping here is madness! :D
too bad i dont grow money trees.
money or life.
of course life.

byebye for now. see you in singapore!! :D:D




for words only say so much.
i took the road less travelled.
FULL OF energy :D
urging TO FIND myself now.
就像你我之间那么精彩的遗憾,也许 全都是误会
crack the bottom:

  • The current mood of yshuxing at www.imood.com

    5 parts mercy ;;
    1 part brilliance ;;
    5 parts joy;;


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